Answered By: Janet Hughes
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2024     Views: 772

We have investigated this journal in the past and have not subscribed for several reasons.

First, it is extremely expensive.

Second, this journal has multiple sections and continuously splits off new sections, all of which require new subscriptions.

Although JOVE is on the list of requested journals, it is unlikely to be purchased in the near future.

In the meantime, there are several options available.

There is free embargoed access from 2006 - 2018 via PubMed Central - However, JOVE stopped depositing content in 2018 so newer items are not available.

You can receive the accompanying full-text for a video protocol that is not in PMC through an InterLibrary Loan request The full-text may include the full introduction, the step-by-step description of the protocol, any results that are mentioned in the video, and discussions or other content. The videos themselves cannot be received through ILL (the link that may be seen will send you to the publisher where you would have to log in to view the full video).

There are other options for video protocols. Springer Nature Experiments is beginning to add videos, and we have a full subscription to that online product. We have streaming video from many sources, such as Alexander Street Press, that may also have protocols.

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