The library has many videos available for you to use. The library collection includes popular movies, documentaries, instructional films and more. Video recordings may be available on DVD, VHS, 16mm film, or online as streaming video. For more details, including options for online or streaming video, see the Video Resources page.
Most VHS / DVDs are checked out for 14 days, and may be renewed up to 4 times.
You may find videos by searching and filtering your results by "Content Type" and selecting "Video Recording". Depending on your needs, it may even be helpful to limit your search by date.

For more details and options for locating video sources, see "Video Resources".
How do I browse just DVDs (not streaming online content)?
Under Media Type, choose DVD
In addition (if you wish), input search terms in the search boxes for specific movie titles, or directors’ names, actors’ names, topics, or film genres.
To request a DVD from any library location, use the “I Want It” button next to the description of the DVD in the catalog.