Answered By: Library Life Sciences Last Updated: Apr 27, 2023 Views: 22318
Sample Error text:
Authentication Failure: The database that you selected is for use by the students, faculty and staff of the Pennsylvania State University only.
or your PSU Access ID and password is not accepted by a specific database.
If you are having trouble logging in to access library databases, links to Course Reserves, or full-text articles, please review the information below.
Possible Causes:
- You are off campus and trying to access a database directly.
- Your browser cache is conflicting with the sign on process
- You're logged in with an incorrect credential (Penn State OneID instead of student Access ID)
- You are not a current PSU faculty, staff or student
- You are a brand new PSU faculty or staff and have not accepted our library lending policy
What to do:
- Make sure you are connecting to the resource via a Library page such as the Databases by Title (A-Z) list, LionSearch, or a subject guide.
- Try clearing your browser cache/cookies. This is usually found in the browser settings, but instructions are different for each browser. you can Google "clear cache (your browser name/version)" to find instructions on the web OR see
- Try closing and reopening your browser OR try a different browser
- Try logging into another authenticated resource--like Canvas, LionPATH or My Library Account, and try the database link again
- If off campus, try downloading and installing the GlobalProtect VPN
- Try forcing the authentication protocol. Put immediately in front of the url in your browser's address bar.
E.G. where you replace with the url to your resource
- On a few occasions, DISABLING the GlobalProtect VPN may be necessary. The GlobalProtect VPN that we utilize across PSU does not fully support IPV6 traffic. In a nutshell it works for the majority of internet traffic but certain databases used in the Libraries are not seeing your IP address as a PSU IP address. There is a plan to support this sometime in 2022. In the interim there are two workaround solutions available.
For IEEE and Wiley you can disable the GlobalProtect client and then utilize these databases.
The other option is to disable IPV6 on your computer for the foreseeable future; this should not impact anything you do and is done following these steps:
If you go the second route and your having trouble we can work with you and the PSU Helpdesk and or your Unit’s IT support to make this happen.
If you are a brand new PSU Faculty or Staff, make sure you have accepted our Library Lending Policy for payroll garnishment.
As a last resort, try changing your password - go to and changing your Access password. Then, close and reopen your browser, log in with your new password and try the resource again. If you're still having trouble after changing your Access account password, then you'll need to visit your local IT department or call 814-865-HELP (4357). 865-HELP is available 24/7, except on holidays
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